
Showing posts from 2021

Video game play may provide learning, health, social benefits, review find

According to a study of studies published in American Psychologist, playing video games, particularly aggressive shooting games, can help children understand, stay healthy, and socialize. The research comes as psychologists and other health experts begin to discuss the impact of violent media on children and adolescents. A task force of the American Psychological Association is undertaking a systematic study of literature on aggression in video games and digital media, with the results expected later this year. "Significant research has already been done for decades on the harmful effects of gaming, including addiction, depression, and violence, and we are definitely not saying that this can be overlooked," says Isabela Granic, PhD, lead author of the report from Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. "However, a more balanced approach is needed to consider the effect of video games on the growth of children and adolescents." According to many studies discu...

Ways to implement lockdown and control Covid-19

  Ways to implement lockdown and control Covid-19 A recent study by the Center for Policy Dialogue found that the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic has left more than three per cent of the country's workforce jobless, and nearly 1.5 million people have become impoverished Anwar Faruq Talukder Maintaining a balance of life and livelihood is one of the most complex and sensitive issues of the Covid-19 pandemic period. It is very clear that it will be difficult to win the Covid-19 war by adopting extreme methods. Life cannot be saved by thinking only of life, or balance of life and livelihood cannot be maintained by thinking only of livelihood. You have to think them in coordination, you have to think simultaneously. Because life and livelihood are a reflection of each other, there is no opportunity to see them in isolation. In order to maintain the balance of life and livelihood, we must learn from Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Above all, in order to keep life and livelihood...

Ramadan diet to boost immune system

  Ramadan diet to boost immune system Fasting allows the body to focus its energy on one at a time, and thus stopping digestion for a specific period allows the immune system to be more active. This will allow the body to repair cells and fight off germs better Fahmida Hashem Ramadan sees Muslims around the world observing daytime fasting for 30 days, abstaining from meals and drinks, while spending large portions of their time in prayers. Through this Covid-19 situation, Muslims need to follow an immune-rich healthy diet that will provide immunity, energy and nourishment throughout the day and avert health problems.  Guidelines on physical distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene still apply this year. Even though vaccinations against Covid-19 have started in many places, the pandemic is still not over yet. Therefore, when it is safe for healthy people to fast during Ramadan, those guidelines are important to follow to help prevent infection and believers can still live the...

Covid-19 and higher education: Is distance learning the way forward?

In the changing situation, the Covid-19 has forced public and private universities to adopt distance learning. However, the separation of learners and teachers has raised number critical issues like psycho-pedagogical, technological, and socio-cultural, which need greater attention. Online teaching methods, pedagogy or andragogy, differ from traditional classroom based teaching and learning. The world has experienced many unprecedented moves since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic. The global education system has been disrupted badly. According to UNESCO, as of June 1, 2020, 68% of world’s total enrolled learners of 144 countries were affected due to the closure of educational institutions. One year into the Covid-19 pandemic, over 800 million students, more than half the world’s student population, still face significant disruptions to their education, ranging from full school closures in 31 countries to reduced or part-time academic schedules in another 48 countries. UNESCO also est...

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