ICPC Dhaka Regional Preliminary Contest #Editorials 2022 Hosted By Green University of Bangladesh


ICPC Dhaka Regional Preliminary Contest 2022

Hosted By Green University of Bangladesh

Problem A: A Game with Grandma


  • Shafaet Ashraf

Tester & Alter writers:

  • Nafis Sadique

  • Aleksa Plavsic

  • Arghya Pal

Problem type:

  • Game Theory, DP

Solution idea:

If you're familiar with Grundy Numbers, you can use the divide and conquer technique to solve it. To do this, loop through the columns of the grid and place a box in all possible positions. Whenever a box is placed, it divides the whole grid into two parts. Solve each sub-problem recursively by calculating the Grundy number. The base case is when the grid size is less than 1. This solution has a time complexity of O(N^3) and will pass the time limit.

Problem B: Transform the Array


  • Raihat Zaman Neloy

Tester & Alter writers:

  • Md. Mahbubul Hasan

  • H. M. Ashiqul Islam

  • Muhiminul Islam Osim

Problem type:

  • Number theory, finding prime divisors

Solution idea:

For the first type of transformation - Let's find two sets of primes - P1 and P2. P1 will contain all the prime numbers that are prime divisors of at least one number in array A, similarly P2 will contain all the prime numbers that are prime divisors of at least one number in array B. Now, for this type of transformation, output will be "Yes" iff P2 ⊆ P1.

For the second type of transformation - we need to reduce both of the arrays with the GCD of array A. Then if both of the arrays become equal then we can print Yes, otherwise No. This is true because the largest number we can multiply or divide array A with is their GCD.

Problem C: Omago Virus


  • Pritom Kundu


  • Nafis Sadique (Alter)

  • Derek Kisman, Md Mahbubul Hasan (Idea Contribution)

Problem type:

  • Combinatorics, DP

Solution idea:

Solution 1:

Let dp[i] be the expected number of days to infect all persons given that i people are infected today. Clearly, dp[n] = 0 and dp[m] is our answer. Then,

dp[i]=1+jinf(i, j) dp[j] 

where f(i, j) is the probability that j people are infected on the next day given that currently i people are infected. Note that dp[i] depends on itself, but we can easily fix that by assuming dp[i] = x and solving for x.

Now, it’s left to calculate f(i, j). We can calculate f(i, j) using the principle of inclusion and exclusion.  Take any set of uninfected people S. Let |S| = x. The probability that, none of them will be infected after all i people spread infections is n-x-1kn-1ki . There are n-ix such sets. By the principle of inclusion exclusion, probability that exactly n-j people will stay uninfected out of the rest n-i is

f(i, j) =x=n-jn-i(-1)x-(n-j)xn-jn-ixn-x-1kn-1ki

Complexity: O(n3)

Solution 2:

Let, dp[i][j] be the number of days (including today) to infect all persons given that currently i people are infected and j people will spread infections today. Clearly, dp[n][i] = 1 and our answer is dp[m][m]. Then,

dp[i][j]=e=0kf(i, e) dp[i+e][j-1] for j1 and dp[i][0]=1+dp[i][i]

where f(i, e) is the probability that e new people will be infected after a person spreads infections given that currently i people are infected. It is easy to see that  f(i, e) =i-1k-en-ien-1k

However, this solution has a problem, note that dp[i][0] depends on dp[i][i] and dp[i][j] depends on dp[i][j-1]. So, there is a circle of dependencies dp[i][i] -> dp[i][i-1] -> dp[i][i-2] -> … -> dp[i][0] -> dp[i][i].  We can fix this, by assuming that dp[i][i] = x, and use the formula for dp[i][j] to calculate dp[i][i] in the form a+bx and solve for x. 

Complexity: O(n2k) 

Problem D: Omicron Juice 2023


  • Md Mahbubul Hasan

Tester & Alterwriters:

  • Nafis Sadique

Problem type:

  • Adhoc

Solution idea:

We will need some case analysis. First of all, if all the glass contains the same amount we are done. If not, then let’s check how many glasses contain juice amount less than K. If all of them have less than K amount, then we can not pour juice to cups, so it is not solvable. If two glasses have less than K amount, then same logic. Although we might be able to pour from one of the glasses, we can not pour from any other glass to the second cup. Now let’s check if the total amount of juice is equally distributable. If equally distributable, then we also know the target amount for each glass. It’s actually enough to check that “the difference of initial amount in a glass and target amount must be divisible by k” (for each glass). Why? Try to simulate some examples.

Problem E: Cyclic Palindrome


  • Md. Muhiminul Islam Osim


  • Pritom Kundu (Alter)

  • Derek Kisman, Md Mahbubul Hasan (Idea Contribution)

Problem type:

  • Fast Fourier Transform, Combinatorics

Solution idea:

For a particular shift of the string S, the beauty of the shift is 0 if any character is not ‘?’ and not matched with the character (if not ‘?’) at the mirror index as we try to make it a palindrome. Otherwise, let’s say p is the number of occurrences where both the matching characters in the shift are ‘?’. Then, the beauty of the shift is 52p % 109+7 as we can replace any of the 52 characters in those matching places to make the shift a palindrome. If one of the matching characters is ‘?’ and the other is some English character, then we can replace ‘?’ with the character, so there is a single way in this case. Now, the main problem is how we can calculate the beauty for each of the n shifts. Here, FFT comes! We can add string S to itself to make string SS, then multiply some coefficients considering two strings (both SS) using FFT. we can apply a FFT for each character separately to find the matching. But, this will be slow. We can use two FFT. One is for calculating the matching of the English characters and the other is for calculating the matching of ‘?’. In order to match some English character with ‘?’, we can set the coefficient to 0 for the place where the character is ‘?’ and for other cases, we set the coefficients in such a way that after multiplication we get 1 for each matched character (hint: root of unity). We need some extra calculation from the resultant polynomial from FFT in order to fetch the matching of each shift. We check the validity of a potential palindrome using the second FFT. Also, the second FFT helps us calculate the number of ways to generate a palindrome for a cyclic shift. Finally, we can add the beauty of all shifts to our answer.

Overall Time Complexity: O(T * |S| * log2(|S|)).

Problem F: Proximity Card Data Statistics


  • Shahriar Manzoor

Tester & Alterwriters:

  • Md Mahbubul Hasan

Problem type:

  • Implementation

Solution idea:

Store the personal information data in suitable data structure and sort it by email address and then by timestamp to find multiple entries from the same student and to find the last entry. After that the required counting can be done very easily.

The limits set for the problem (Around 1200 students) is low for two reasons (1) Any novice implementation also passes (2) The data used in this problem is actually real life data of partial students of a CSE Department, so the number of students was limited. Many novice teams may not realise that two timestamps can be compared simply by strcmp() or similar function (As month is fixed to 2) and go for longer implementation.

Problem G: Portals and Roads


  • Tariq Bin Salam

Tester & Alterwriters:

  • Pritom Kundu

  • Arghya Pal

Problem type:

  • DP

Solution idea:

If we build roads between nodes i and i+1 for all (a i < b) then all the nodes a, a+1, a+2,…, b are connected by roads only. We can call it a segment of roads (segment [a - b]). We can have at most one node c (a c b) which will be connected to some portals; that node has to be in the middle, so c = (a + b) / 2 [ except for segment containing node 1], to achieve min answer. We can call c the midpoint of the segment [a-b]. For each segment we can build one portal between its midpoint, c and node 1 to minimise the ans. Then all the nodes are connected in a tree structure.

A road of a segment can be visited several times to reach some node in that segment, but no road outside that segment will be visited because of the portal structure. So travelling time can be calculated independently for each segment. We can calculate the answer doing a dp of time complexity of O (N * R * R) and memory complexity of O (N * R) where state : number of remaining nodes * number of remaining roads

Denote, dp[r][n] = min ans to connect n nodes using exactly r roads

Then, dp[r][n] = min (dp[r - i][n - i - 1] + cost) for all 0 i r; where i = number of roads used for the current segment. Cost of all possible segments can be pre-calculated.

Segment containing node 1 has to be handled separately.

Problem H: Mr. Dumb the police in charge


  • Mohammad Ashraful Islam

Solution:  Raihat Zaman Neloy

Tester & Alterwriters:

  • Pritom Kundu

  • Arghya Pal

Problem type:

  • Data structures, centroid decomposition

Solution idea:

This problem requires centroid decomposition to solve. According to the problem we need to find the distance of other nodes from the current node. To answer this, in the centroid decomposed tree, we can travel upwards to the root starting from the current node, and on each node on the path, we can try to find the closest node currently available in the queries. So, on each level of the centroid decomposed tree, we can maintain another DS, set, segment tree or whatever we are comfortable with to insert and delete the available nodes from queries. The overall runtime of this solution will be N*log2(N) where N is the number of nodes in the tree.

Problem I: Image Cropping


  • Md. Muhiminul Islam Osim

Tester & Alterwriters:

  • Nafis Sadique

Problem type:

  • Binary Search, Geometry

Solution idea:

As the pivot point is at the middle of the cropped image and corner points need to be integer, it’s obvious that for a valid cropping, four corner points should be (pivot.x - x * W, pivot.y - x * H), (pivot.x + x * W, pivot.y - x * H), (pivot.x + x * W, pivot.y + x * H) and (pivot.x - x * W, pivot.y + x * H), where x is an integer. We need to make x big enough so that the area of the cropped image will be maximum and the corner points don’t go outside the given convex quadrilateral. We can easily do binary search on x,  check the validity of four corner points for any particular x while searching and finally get the maximised area.

Overall Time Complexity: O(T * log2(maximum value of the coordinates)).

Problem J: Product Quality Analyst


  • Mohammad Ashraful Islam

Tester & Alterwriters:

  • Md. Muhiminul Islam Osim

Problem type:

  • Observation

Solution idea:

It’s a nice observation that the gap between the times when two products are verified is always the same and the time gap is always the maximum value of ti. We can calculate the time taken to verify the first product which is Summation of ti and calculate the time for the other products using the time gap. So, the final time when all the products will be verified is ((Summation of ti) + ((K - 1) * maximum value of ti)).

Overall Time Complexity: O(T * N).


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