Is a priority queue a subsection of a queue?

A priority queue is indeed a specialized type of queue. Here’s how they relate:

Queue: A queue is a linear data structure that follows the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) principle. Elements are added to the back (rear) of the queue and removed from the front (head). It’s like waiting in a line—people who arrive first are served first.

Priority Queue: A priority queue is an extension of the basic queue. In a priority queue, each element has an associated priority value. Elements with higher priority values take precedence over those with lower priority values. When removing elements, the one with the highest priority is dequeued first.

So, while a priority queue shares some similarities with a regular queue, it introduces the concept of prioritization based on values. Think of it as a queue where certain items get to “jump the line” based on their importance! πŸš€ 


Anonymous said…
Vallagse Vai πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🀟🀟🀟🀟

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