Join the global community of passionate Crowdsource


Join the global community of passionate Crowdsource users!

Why it matters?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) powers some of the most magical experiences in your favorite apps and products. It helps organize your photos, understand your voice commands, show you the most relevant reviews for products and businesses, and much more!

AI learns these skills by studying vast numbers of examples. The more examples it has for your language, region, or culture, the better it gets for you and everybody in your community.

Diversity in AI

You bring your own unique background, experiences, and perspectives to Crowdsource. As a member of our global community of contributors, you're helping to create AI that can best serve the rich and varied diversities of our planet!

Your Crowdsource contributions improve Google Translate, Maps, Photos, Assistant, and more!

  • Answer simple questions, earn badges and level up

  • Connect with contributors around the world

  • Improve Google products for everyone

Small actions. Huge impact.

How your answers in Crowdsource improve Google products for everyone in your community

Data for the whole world

Google shares some Crowdsource data via open-sourcing, for the benefit of the global research and developer communities. This includes the 400,000 images that we've already released as Open Images Extended, with more sharing to come.

More open sourced data


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